Contact Us

We offer reasonable rates that are based on the scope of your project and the timeline for completion. (Additional fees are assessed for any project requiring less than 2 weeks.)

In order to facilitate your request, please complete the form, and be sure to provide a brief description of your project needs. 

Please include any additional information that will allow us to address your unique needs.

Please do not submit any documents in advance of payment. We understand that you might be in the process of comparing rates, but please note that a $50 consultation fee is required for projects requiring a preliminary review. The fee is only refundable in the event that we are unable to take on your project. Otherwise, any remaining balance will be credited towards the final costs of your project.

If you have special needs that are not listed, please feel free to add this information in your request, as well. 

We'll follow up with the cost of completion, as well as with any additional concerns or questions.  We'll do our best to work within your budget and respond to your request as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours.

Payment is required before we begin. Payments can be made electronically via several platforms. If paying via your institution or university, you will be required to submit a deposit, although, potentially, we will accept a check for the final balance.

Completion of work is guaranteed and based on the parameters upon which we initially agree.

Naturally, we guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your project.  However, should you wish, we will be happy to provide a non-disclosure agreement for your work.

Further inquiries may be directed to:

    email: tikia(at)

    phone: x202.750.4142

We're excited to work with you!